🎲Phi Quest: How to Deposit & Boost APY

This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough on how to deposit into our USDT vault in Bolide v2 on the BNB blockchain and boost your APY levels [ for Phi Quest ]

Prerequisites to complete Phi Quest:

  • A wallet compatible with BNB blockchain.

  • 10 USDT tokens for deposit

  • 1400 BLID tokens for boosting APY

USDT contract on BNB = 0x55d398326f99059ff775485246999027b3197955

BLID contract on BNB = 0x766AFcf83Fd5eaf884B3d529b432CA27A6d84617


1. Initiating Deposit:

  • Head over to our dApp

  • Press Connect Wallet

  • Click on Deposit ~ USDT under BNB chain V2.

2. Managing Deposit:

  • Click on Manage Deposit and add the amount you wish to deposit [Phi Quest: 10 USDT]

  • Click 'Agree' and sign the transaction.

  • A second signature will be required to confirm the transaction from your wallet to the BNB V2 vault.

3. Transaction Confirmation:

  • Wait for a brief period for the transaction to be confirmed.

  • Once confirmed, the funds will be deposited into the BNB V2 vault.

4. Boosting APY:

  • Click the Boost button.

  • Enter the amount of BLID tokens you wish to use for boosting for [Phi Quest: 1400 $BLID].

  • Note: If you need to purchase BLID tokens we recommend using the “BUY BLID” widget on the top right corner of our dApp or purchase BLID tokens through a DEX [BLID contract address: 0x766AFcf83Fd5eaf884B3d529b432CA27A6d84617 ]

  • Confirm the transaction to complete the APY boost.

5. Confirming Boost:

  • Refresh the page to view your boosted APY.

  • Check the transaction status to ensure the APY boost has been processed successfully.

6. Conclusion:

  • At this point, you have successfully deposited funds in Bolide v2 on the BNB blockchain and boosted your APY. You can now go ahead and claim the Bolide Phi object!

  • If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out https://discord.gg/bolide-invite

Last updated